Common "Tuberculosis" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly contagious bacterial infection, that usually affects the lungs and can spread to other body parts like the brain, spine, stomach, etc. The bacteria Mycobacterium Tuberculosis causes it. The symptoms include persistent cough, blood in cough, chest pain, weight loss, chills, fever, and loss of appetite.

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Is there always 1 to 2 percent chance of TB recurrence even after completion of medicine?

Query: Hello doctor,I had pulmonary TB and underwent six months of continuous medication as suggested by the doctor. There was blood in the sputum a few times and the sputum test showed negative but based on the CT scan (computerized tomography) doctor suspected pulmonary TB (Tuberculosis). I was recommend...  Read Full »

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have gone through both the CT scans and reports (attachment removed to protect patient identity). It is good that you have completed six months of TB treatment in spite of the sputum test being negative. Even though the sputum test for AFB was negative, the symptom...  Read Full »

Please review my chest X-ray reports.

Query: Hi doctor, I have applied for a job in abroad. I was asked to get a complete medical checkup. In the chest x-ray report, it was mentioned as bilateral apical inhomogeneities. What does it mean?  Read Full »

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to A chest x-ray is a routine part of any pre-employment checkup. Your query regarding reporting of x-ray as bilateral inhomogeneous opacities suggests old or active infection most probably tuberculosis. So, it is advisable to do sputum AFB test (acid-fast bacilli) to ru...  Read Full »

My mother-in-law has cough and breathlessness. Please help.

Query: Hello doctor, My mother in law is 75 years old and she is diabetic. She had been treated for ulcer one year back. She is suffering from cough and breathlessness for more than two weeks. Doctor advised for a CT scan. Please see the attached report and guide us further. What does the report say? How...  Read Full »

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read the history and CT scan report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Your mother in law is a known diabetic. Now, she is suffering from cough and breathlessness since last 2-3 weeks. This can be due to COPD which is chronic obstructive pulmonary...  Read Full »

What is the treatment for inhaling drywall dust?

Query: Hello doctor, I have a question in regards to pulmonology and exposure to crystalline silica. I have done a ton of research on the internet regarding this subject and probably know as much as anyone can know based solely on internet information. So I am hoping someone with a more advanced knowledge ...  Read Full »

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have surfed your links and understood your problem in detail. (attachments removed to protect patient identity) After silica exposure you are suffering from what is called as acute silicosis. Acute silicosis results from short term exposure to very large amo...  Read Full »

Please interpret the findings of my CT thorax.

Query: Hello doctor, The computed tomography (CT) thorax report for chronic cough in comparison made to chest radiograph. 5 mm nodule seen within the left upper lobe. No other discrete pulmonary nodule or mass is identified. 0.51inch short axis pretracheal lymph node is identified. Calcifications noted wit...  Read Full »

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I understand from your description that you have a chronic cough and did a computed tomography (CT) Thorax, but I am confused as there are no CT images attached. Still, I will try to help you with this report. It says, 5 mm nodule seen within the left upper lobe and ...  Read Full »

What support should be given before onset of hypercapnia in a TB patient?

Query: Hello doctor, I have tuberculosis (TB) disease, type1 respiratory failure. Oxygen was given, oxygenation improves but falls to LVL on presentation. What support should be given before the onset of hypercapnia? I have dry cough for two weeks, blood in sputum, fever, sweating and weight loss.  Read Full »

Dr. Amol Kumar Wasudeorao Diwan

Answer: Hello, Welcome to As you said, the patient has tuberculosis (TB), hypoxia is more common which leads to type 1 respiratory failure. So only supplemental oxygen is not enough. We should start noninvasive ventilation as early as possible before hypercarbia sets in. So the possible option...  Read Full »

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