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HomeAnswersUrologyshort penisI have lost sensitivity in my penis. Is it reversible?

Do penis extenders cause erection issues?

The following is an actual conversation between an iCliniq user and a doctor that has been reviewed and published as a Premium Q&A.

Medically reviewed by

iCliniq medical review team

Published At March 24, 2018
Reviewed AtApril 30, 2024

Patient's Query

Hi doctor,

About four years ago, when I was self-conscious about the size of my penis, I started looking into ways to increase the size of my penis. Never long-term, but I tried penis water pump and penis extenders. A few times that I used the penis extenders, the ring may have been very tightly packed around my penis while I was using it and due to the stretch it caused, and tightness, I lost circulation to my penis tip to a point the tip went numb and cold. After that, I started noticing my erections are much weaker and sensitivity has gone down significantly. Besides that, I also became very self-conscious and psychologically worried that I may have made my ED worse. I did not have problems getting an erection, but maintaining one was more difficult and my erections were softer. I stopped having sex. After three to four years, when I masturbate, the quality of the erection is much better and I am able to keep the erection but the sensitivity is not quite back. Also, my climaxes are much weaker and they do not feel as good. In the last year that I have masturbated, I have not had issues maintaining an erection when I am masturbating but I believe the sensitivity is not back. I am worried having sex, I will begin to lose the erection fast. I have red skin marks under the skin at my penis tip that is not going away. Is this due to dead cells? Have I done irreversible damage? Is there any treatment as I now am hoping to become sexually active? Many of my problems are from using the extenders and penis pump aggressively even though it was short usage and regretful decisions.


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I saw the pictures (attachment removed to protect patient identity). The penis looks almost normal. As you are able to masturbate, post-marriage, sexual activity will not be an issue (rather it is better). Aggressive stretching may have caused some damage but from your description, it appears it will not affect your married life. Feeling an orgasm is also dynamic. It may become better after marriage and is unrelated to stretching. Do not worry. If after marriage there is any issue, you can consult again at that time.

Patient's Query

Thank you doctor,

But I have experienced ED having intercourse four times. My sensation and sensitivity has gone down dramatically. You cannot see it clearly in the pictures, but there is purple skin under the head which I have read could be dead cells as when I was extending the penis head lost blood circulation to the head for extended time and damaged the tissue.


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You can do office Sildenafil test. By taking Sildenafil, and stimulating yourself, if you get good quality erection, everything is normal. If not, you will need further evaluation. At marriage, we may start a low dose supplement to enhance erection initially to gain confidence between both partners. Then, it will continue normally. If early ejaculation is a problem, that may be addressed separately.

Same symptoms don't mean you have the same problem. Consult a doctor now!

Dr. Choudhary Devendra
Dr. Choudhary Devendra


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