Common "C-section" queries answered by top doctors | iCliniq


The procedure where a doctor delivers the baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen and the uterus is called c-section. C-sections are necessary when the labor is not progressing, multiple pregnancies, hydrocephalus, fetus in breech position, baby too big to pass through the cervix, and if the mother has other health conditions like diabetes or hypertension.

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How do I regain my abdominal shape as it was before the C-section?

Query: Hello doctor, I had two children with cesarian delivery at two years difference. In both cases, l had not got my earlier physique and stomach, as well as the navel, is in its previous place. So please help me in getting my physical touch as soon as possible. Is there any problem?  Read Full »

Dr. Eeshani Dutta

Answer: Hi, Welcome to Pregnancy causes havoc changes in a woman's body due to loads of hormones flowing in the blood for long nine months. With an increasing girth of your bump, your abdominal skin and underlying muscles too get stretched and weakened, often leading to diastasis recti, which...  Read Full »

What is the range of hemoglobin and RBC after a C-section?

Query: Hello doctor,My wife gave birth before nine days, and we did a blood test yesterday, and her RBC count was 3.54, hematocrit 33.3, and hemoglobin was 11.4. Is this a normal result considering she just had a C-section?  Read Full »

Dr. Goswami Parth Rajendragiri

Answer: Hello, Welcome to the Her hemoglobin level is borderline, and there is only mild anemia. There is no need to worry regarding these results. I suggest you give her a healthy diet like more green leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, dried beans, and more fruits. There is no need for any med...  Read Full »

I am having leg swelling and vaginal spotting after C-section. Kindly advice.

Query: Hello doctor, I am a 32-years-old female. My second baby was delivered by LS/CS method before a week after completing 36.5 weeks. Doctor also removed my uterus as I had been suffering from a complication of central placenta previa with increta/percreta. And I had even bled a few little clots during ...  Read Full »

Dr. Meenakshi Agarwal

Answer: Hello, Welcome to Placenta previa with increta is a severe condition, so uterus has to be removed due to bleeding. Swelling may be due to anemia or blood transfusions. Take tablet Lasix one tablet once a day, it will cause frequent urination. Blood spots will disappear after a few days....  Read Full »

I have glaucoma during pregnancy. Will labor pressure cause damage to my eyes?

Query: Hi doctor, I had keratoconus and started developing glaucoma. My eyes are really weak, and my right eye is at its thinnest point. I will upload reports from my doctor. I am pregnant and scared labor pressure. Will it cause any harm to my eyes? What is your opinion? I am on Euthyrox 25 for underactiv...  Read Full »

Dr. Shikha Gupta

Answer: Hello, Welcome to The condition is really bad in your right eye (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Use scleral lenses till hydrops is resolved and pregnancy ends.   Read Full »

Even after two years of C-section, I have back and joint pain. How to treat?

Query: Hi doctor, I am a 35 year old female. I am a mother of a 2 year old boy. After cesarean delivery, I had back and joint pain problem. I thought that once I stop my breastfeeding my problem will resolve. But, it persists still. Why?  Read Full »

Dr. Salah Saad Hassan Shoman

Answer: Hi, Welcome to You need calcium supplements daily. You also need to be exposed to direct sunlight for quarter an hour three times a week before noon. Also, you need Vitamin B 12 supplements. It will take around three months of supplements to compensate the deficiencies caused by breas...  Read Full »

Is cervical cerclage needed during my next pregnancy?

Query: Hello doctor, I need your opinion regarding my future pregnancy. Five years ago, I gave birth to my son and had to have an emergency C-section. The doctor's report read 'upon entering the abdominal cavity, the patient was found to have a large uterine window consistent with a uterine rupture. Howeve...  Read Full »

Dr. Balakrishnan R

Answer: Hello, Welcome to You can definitely have a baby. The spontaneous tear in the uterus could be due to multiparity, baby weight of greater than 9 lbs, vaginal manipulations during labor, prolonged labor or excessive and uncontrolled use of oxytocin infusion. The cervix is not directly in...  Read Full »

Will a myoma at 20 weeks of pregnancy affects the child's delivery?

Query: Hello doctor, My wife is 20 weeks pregnant, and we got an ultrasound done. The report shows a small myoma measuring 49x26 mm in the anterior wall of the uterus. Can you please see the attached report and evaluate her problem to me? What to do next? Are there any chances of complication during delive...  Read Full »

Dr. Mavani Jimesh Himatbhai

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have seen the ultrasound report (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Myoma or fibroid are sometimes seen along with pregnancy. It is very tricky how myoma reacts with the pregnancy. The thing is that the chances of it increasing in size during pregnan...  Read Full »

How to treat low blood pressure after c-section?

Query: Hi doctor, I had a C-section a week ago and got out of surgery with low blood pressure and kept it low for a few days. Now, after getting out of the hospital, I still feel the same pressure on my chest. Also, I feel a horrible pounding headache. It is so hard and I feel the heartbeats vividly. I am...  Read Full »

Dr. Rishu Sharma

Answer: Hi, Welcome to As said by you, a cesarean section has been done for you a week ago and during the operation, your BP was on the lower side. I would like to tell you that amount and volume of blood in a mother increases significantly during pregnancy to support the nutritional need of...  Read Full »

Can I undergo VBAC after a C-section?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a category two cesarean two years ago due to fetal distress, and heart declarations, and the fetal heart rate remained high (180 bpm) during the latent labor phase. An abnormal tachycardia and chemoreceptor decelerations were detected. My baby was born in poor condition and was s...  Read Full »

Dr. Obinna Ugwuoke

Answer: Hello, Welcome to I have read your query and understand your concern. There are criteria for the trial of VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) and one of these criteria has to do with the mother's pelvis. The pelvis does not grow in adulthood, so if your pelvis was narrow then, it is st...  Read Full »

I had cesarean delivery two months back. When to resume my sex life?

Query: Hello doctor, I had a cesarean delivery just two months back. From when can I resume my sex life with my husband? Could you please advice on that?  Read Full »

Dr. Balakrishnan R

Answer: Hi, Welcome to We usually advise our patients to be active immediately. You can have sex from six weeks onwards, but avoid a pregnancy till 2 years. After the cesarean delivery, your superficial wounds and deep wounds heal fast. But, the healing of uterine wound will take some time. Yo...  Read Full »

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