Answered by Dr. Prashant Koranmath

Answered by Dr. Prashant Koranmath

Why do I have a small blind spot only on my left eye?

Hi doctor,

I am a 26-year-old male. I noticed a small blind spot in my left eye last month. It is located approximately at x: -2.5. y: 6 on an Amsler grid. It is relatively small, just small enough to make a cursor on my screen disappear, but also close enough to the center that I constantly notice it. The spot is not black or white, but instead, it blends with the colors around it, making it hard to see. I went to the ophthalmologist two days later, who assured me that nothing was visibly wrong with my eye. He looked at my retina through dilated pupils, measured my retina thickness, looked at the optic nerve, and measured my eye pressure, which was all fine amongst other tests. After that, I immediately went to the ER and got an MRI done, which luckily also came back fine. After a couple of days, I went to an ophthalmologist at the University Hospital to get a second opinion. They once again took all the tests, looked at the MRI pictures and could not tell me what is wrong. I also have photopsia, and I see some flashes of light a couple of times a day that fade after a few seconds to minutes. I have had this for a few years at least, on and off, but definitely a lot more lately. Since then, I have been very anxious that the spot gets bigger or that new spots develop. I keep checking my eyes for new spots every couple of hours, and it is driving me nuts. It has been stable, but it is hard to know because it is not easy to compare. The doctors have no clue what it could be. Has anybody heard of such a phenomenon? I have moderate astigmatism (-5 on both eyes) in case that makes a difference.

30 May 2024 - 1 min read

Does prolonged wearing of contact lenses cause eye pain?

Hello doctor,

I am out on a business trip. Yesterday, after 14 hours flight in which I wore my contacts (which are 30 days disposable Air Optix ) for about 20 straight hours, I took them out. After that, the vision in my right eye became cloudy and blurry but no pain. No issues with my left eye. It was difficult to get the contact out of my right eye. It was somewhat stuck to it. I just woke up and the vision is a little better in my right eye, not quite as cloudy and blurry (but still not normal). But now there is some pain and irritation. This is after about six hours of sleep. Is this something that warrants me getting immediately back to my place to see my eye doctor or can I wait to see him when I get back (early next week)? I do have some Prednisolone pills with me that I have been taking for a sinus infection. Presumably, those would help with the eye swelling if that is an interim option?

27 May 2024 - 1 min read

What causes redness and irritation in the corner of eyes?

Hi doctor,

I am suffering from irritation and redness in both eyes and occasional build of ground in the inner corners of my eyes. Please help. Thank you.

14 May 2024 - 1 min read

Does a white haze light indicate macular degeneration?

Hi doctor,

I am a 33-year-old female. Sometimes, when I do my work, my vision seems like a white haze. It looks like everything has a white haze light. It is pure, not like a fog or a dirty color. Sometimes, it lasts for a few minutes, and sometimes for a few seconds. Sometimes, I see it, and on some days, I cannot see it. Does this indicate that I started having macular degeneration?

10 May 2024 - 1 min read

How to cure a stye in the eye?

Hello doctor,

My husband has got a stye and a swollen eye from two days. We have been applying a hot and cold compress on it, but it is only swelling up more. It is painful, and we want to know which medication we should go for.

30 Apr 2024 - 1 min read

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