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Fight Common Cold the Naturopathic Way

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Fight Common Cold the Naturopathic Way

5 min read


Common colds can result in a stuffy nose, sore throat, and body pain. Read the article to learn the natural ways to ease symptoms.

Medically reviewed by

Dr. Sneha Kannan

Published At September 25, 2020
Reviewed AtFebruary 14, 2024


The common cold is a reaction of the body to toxins or foreign bodies to fight against it. Naturopathic treatment helps increase immunity and strengthen the defense mechanism to function better. Common colds can occur due to seasonal variations, so in such cases, naturopathy provides the best possible treatment options. Acute coryza is an alternative term for the common cold. A cold is nature's simplest way of expelling toxic waste from the human body, so the duration of a cold depends on how rapidly toxins get expelled out of the body.

It is caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract due to viral infection. It is the most commonly found infection. The duration of the common cold varies from three to ten days, which also depends on various other factors, such as the immunity of an individual, the number of toxins in the body, and the rate at which they are getting removed.

What Are the Symptoms of Common Cold?

The usual symptoms of the common cold are as follows -

  • Soreness of throat.

  • Congestion of nasal passage.

  • Runny nose.

  • Sneezing.

  • Rise in temperature.

  • Headaches.

  • Chills.

  • Aches and body pain.

  • Loss of appetite.

  • The skin around the nostrils becomes sore.

What Are the Causes of the Common Cold?

The causes of the common cold are as follows-

  1. Viral infection - The intensity of infection varies, and it depends on the environmental factors and immunity of an individual.

  2. Nose and throat allergy.

  3. Lack of sleep.

  4. Depression.

  5. Fatigue.

  6. Sudden change in temperature and climate.

  7. Dust, pollen, or other allergens.

  8. Bad dietary habits.

How Is Common Cold Treated?

Treatment of the common cold with the help of customary suppressive drugs puts a sudden stop to toxins' elimination process, which ultimately causes toxins to stay in body tissues. It is better if the patient is put on fasting for two days during infection. Warm water mixed with lemon juice and honey or fruit juice and hot water should be given. Liquid diet intake should be in large amounts to neutralize the acidic nature of blood. Pineapple juice, in particular, is very beneficial.

Hot drinks are necessary to clear up the kidneys. Warm water enema is beneficial to clean bowels during this period.

Fruit Fasting Regimen:

A short fruit fasting, followed by a healthy diet for three days, should be carried out. In this, the patient should take three meals per day of fresh juicy fruits. Juicy fruits include apples, pears, grapes, oranges, pineapples, peaches, melons, or other seasonal juicy fruits. Dried fruits and bananas should be avoided. Other food items should be avoided.

After the fruit diet, the patient should gradually embark on a diet of three basic food groups, seeds, nuts, and Grains. Vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and starchy foods should be avoided.

What Are the Ways to Strengthen Immunity?

Strengthening the immune system can be done by taking a diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin C -

  • Protect against infection.

  • Acts as a harmless antibiotic.

  • Regular intake of this vitamin will prevent the common cold.

  • If you already have a cold, large doses of this vitamin will relieve symptoms.

  • Sources include citrus fruits, sprouted green gram, green leafy vegetables, etc.

Lime Juice -

  • Lime is the most important natural home remedy for colds.

  • It should be taken well diluted.

  • Vitamin C-rich lime juice increases resistance and decreases illness.

  • Lime juice in warm water and honey is a good remedy for cold and cough.

Garlic Soup -

  • It is the most ancient natural remedy to reduce cold.

  • Garlic has antiseptic and anti-spasmodic properties.

  • Volatile oils present in garlic flush out toxins from the body and help reduce fever.

  • Garlic oil and onion juice (diluted in water) can be used to fight the common cold.

Ginger -

  • An excellent natural remedy for colds and coughs.

  • Cut ginger into small pieces and boil it in a cup of water. Add half a teaspoon of sugar or honey in it. Strain it, let it cool, and then drink.

  • If you have a cold, then drink ginger juice when it is hot.

  • Ginger tea is beneficial for the common cold and fever, so add a few ginger pieces while boiling your tea leaves.

Turmeric -

  • We are familiar with the antiseptic properties of turmeric.

  • Fresh turmeric powder added to warm milk is an excellent remedy for common colds and throat irritations.

  • Turmeric and milk should be boiled over a slow flame.

  • The smoke of burning turmeric should be inhaled, which is a remedy for a runny nose. This will increase nasal discharge and give quick relief.

Spicy Foods -

Spices, as we all know, make our nose run. Garlic, ginger, hot pepper, etc., all have anti-inflammatory properties. They help in reducing irritation from the nose, throat, and upper respiratory tract.

Water Treatment -

  • A hot water bath should be taken, as it will help relieve congestion from the chest, throat, and nasal membranes.

  • Gargling with hot water and salt added into it will help relieve a sore throat.

  • Steam inhalation will help relieve the congestion of nasal tissues.

  • Steam bath, hot foot bath, etc., are useful because they induce perspiration.

  • Nasal Irrigation, flushing your nasal cavity with the help of a saline solution, is an old practice in yogic practice. It helps to reduce congestion by removing mucus, reduce inflammation, and allergens by removing bacteria, and viruses.

Yogasana -

  • Yogic Asanas like Bhujangasana, Shalabhasana, Dhanurasana, and Yogmudra in Vajrasana are helpful in the common cold.

  • Yogic Kriyas like Jal Neti and Vaman Dhauti are useful in the common cold.

  • Pranayamas like Kapalbhati and Anuloma Viloma are beneficial in the treatment of a common cold.

Other Measures -

Mild sunbath, fresh air, deep breathing, brisk walking, adequate sleep, good habits, and proper clothing depending on the climate to nullify the effect of weather fluctuation.

How Does Hydrotherapy Help to Relieve Cold and Cough?

Water is used in hydrotherapy as a method of healing. It is a natural remedy also known as cold sock treatment which is good for nasal congestion due to cold. A pair of cotton socks and swollen socks are needed for this therapy. To follow the procedure, the foot part of the cotton socks is soaked in cold water and wrung thoroughly. The feet are then placed in a basin of hot water and soak them till they are hot remove the feet from hot water and dry them quickly and immediately cold socks are worn. Then the woolen socks are worn over the cold socks. Immediately go to the bed and cover it. At any point in time, the foot shouldn’t be uncovered. The relief from congestion can be expected within thirty minutes.

The therapy works with the principle that the superficial blood vessels are constricted with cold water and expansion of vessels happens with hot water, thereby relaxing them. This will increase the circulation, decrease the inflammation, and improve by eliminating ingestion.

How Does Dayquil Help to Treat Severe Cold and Cough?

DayQuil is a liquid medicine that helps in severe colds and coughs. It provides fast, powerful, maximum strength 9 symptom relief to treat stuffy nose, cough, minor body pain, sinus and chest congestion, headache, fever, and sore throat. The recommended dose for children above 12 years and adults is 30mL every four hours and use only the dose cup that is provided.


Cold and cough is a symptom that the body’s immune system is fighting a virus. Naturopathy is one of the best solutions to treat colds and coughs. It helps to boost these defense mechanisms to function better.

Frequently Asked Questions


What Is the Quickest Natural Way to Recover From a Cold?

- Stay Hydrated - Staying hydrated is one tip for recovering rapidly from a cold or flu infection. 
- Vitamin C - Vitamin c has not been proven to cure cold symptoms, but several studies have suggested it may reduce the severity of a cold. Additionally, it improves general health, especially the immune system.
- Sleep - Sleep is essential in the body during the cold and flu. The immune system can better fight harmful viruses and bacteria when getting enough sleep.
- Nasal Irrigation - Nasal irrigation can be useful in hydrating and irrigating nasal passages to prevent them from becoming dry and cracked, which can weaken the skin's barrier against viruses and germs.


How to Get Rid of a Cold in One Day?

A cold can never be cured quickly. Usually, a cold will go away without any medical treatment. People can make efforts to speed up recovery by getting enough sleep, nasal irrigation, and maintaining a healthy diet.


What Herb Can Be Use to Treat a Cold?

Basil is one of the best herbs that help relieve cough, cold, and flu symptoms.
Other herbs include the following:
- Rosemary.
- Thyme.
- Red clover.
- Spearmint.
- Ginger.
- Garlic.


What Is the Most Effective Cold Medicine for a Cold?

Histamines are produced by the body while having a cold. This results in watery eyes, a runny nose, and sneezing. This process is blocked by over-the-counter antihistamines like diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine, which help ease those symptoms.


What Are the Stages of Cold?

The various Stages of Cold include:
 The Incubation Period - It is the period between getting the common cold and the onset of symptoms. This phase might run from 12 hours to up to three days.
Onset of Symptoms - The following symptoms of a cold may occur and typically peak between one to three days:
- Throat pain.
- Runny nose.
- Blocked nose.
- Coughing.
- Sneezing.
- Headaches.
- Muscle pain.
Remission - Within three to ten days, symptoms go away and disappear.
Recovery - Some minor, lingering symptoms may last up to two weeks, but overall, a person feels back to normal or very close to it.


Is Zinc Effective for Cold?

There is no assurance that zinc will make an individual feel better more quickly. In several research studies, zinc did not affect the length of time persons with colds felt unwell. In other studies, zinc may have reduced the length of the symptoms by a few days. However, taking zinc can also have dangerous side effects.


Is Vitamin C Effective for Cold?

Vitamin c has not been proven to cure cold symptoms, but several studies have suggested it may reduce the severity of a cold. Vitamin C reduces the length of a cold by eight percent in adults and 14 percent in children when taken regularly. Additionally, it improves general health, especially the immune system.


What Are the Foods to Eat While in Cold?

The recommended food to eat while in the cold are:
- Garlic - The antibacterial effects of garlic have been investigated for decades. Sulfur compounds are activated when garlic is chopped, chewed, or crushed (giving off that distinctive garlic smell). These have been demonstrated to support some types of white blood cells' disease-fighting response, assisting them in their fight against viruses and relieving cold symptoms.
- Tea - Warm liquids can help release mucus and soothe irritated throats. Choose decaffeinated tea instead of regular tea.
- Non-fat Greek Yogurt - Probiotic-rich diets can decrease the risk of acquiring a cold and speed recovery.
- Blueberries - Blueberries contain a flavonoid that is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties that can reduce cell damage and improve immunological performance.
- Chicken Soup - Chicken soup has been used for a very long time to treat the common cold, and there are some significant benefits. The electrolytes (sodium) in the soup helps stay hydrated and relieve a sore throat, while the warm broth can help clear out congestion.


Which Root Is Best for Cold?

Some people have suggested using fresh ginger root to treat coughs and colds in particular, as well as for its potential to aid in treating conditions affecting the digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems.


Which plant Is Good for Treating Cough and Cold?

Herbalists strongly recommend Bail as a remedy for a variety of medical conditions. Some people have suggested using fresh ginger root to treat coughs and colds in particular, as well as other digestive, circulatory, and respiratory diseases.


How Long Does a Cold Take To Recover?

Children under five often have colds for 10 to 14 days, typically longer than in older children. It typically last seven to 10 days in adults and children but can stay longer. In particular, a cough can persist for two to three weeks.


How Long Is a Cold Contagious?

The normal incubation period for the common cold is one to three days. This is the period between being exposed to the virus and showing symptoms. Recovery from an uncomplicated cold often takes 7 to 10 days after the onset of symptoms. Anyone may spread the disease to others for up to two weeks because the infection is contagious before and after the symptoms appear.


Is Phlegm Coming up in Cough a Sign of Recovery?

Phlegm is a type of mucus that produce from the chest. Unless a person is sick or has a medical issue, phlegm is not produced in a noticeable amounts. It is also called sputum. Phlegm indicates a sign that the body fights against viral or bacterial infections.


Can Colds Go Away in five Days?

Suppose the cold is normal, so it does not require any antibiotics. The mucus from the nose may turn white, yellow, or green after two or three days of symptoms. The typical duration of cold symptoms is three to ten days.
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Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal
Dr. Kandi Disha Yermal



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